Fungal, Incidence, Severity, Pathogen, PathogenecityAbstract
Fungal diseases are the major threat and limiting factor in the production of economic crops which causes a tremendous loss of yield annually. The aim of this study was to assess the major fungal pathogens associated with tomato and pepper with a view to identify their presence incidence and severity. Field assessment was conducted in five irrigation villages in Jama’are during the dry season. At each location, 50 plants were assessed in fields by counting number of infected crops observed in an “X” pattern across the fields. Infected portion of diseased samples were collected for microscopic identification of the pathogens. Pathogenicity test was carried out to confirm the ability of the isolated pathogens to produceypical symptoms of the disease on the healthy plants. Data obtained were subjected for analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance. The result of the study shows that tomato recorded the highest disease incidence and severity in Dako-dako and DogonJeji while pepper recorded the lowest disease incidence and severity at Digiza. A total of 16 different fungal pathogens were identified based on cultural morphology and microscopic identification on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 25±2ºC. Pathogenicity test revealed that 13 fungal pathogens were highly pathogenic to tomato and pepper. Identified fungal pathogens are the main causal agent of diseases in the study area which cause substantial losses and damages to the economic crops. It is recommended that an integrated approach involving proper agronomic practices should be applied for sustainable yield production in the study area.
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