Anthelmintic, , Prosopis africana, Goat, Haemonchus, PhytochemicalsAbstract
In-vivo anthelmintic and toxicity study of Prosopis africana against Haemonchuscontortusin goats were evaluated for maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and therapeutic dose (TD) in this experiments. Two extracts, aqueous extract of stem bark (AESB) and aqueous extract of leaves (AELF) were obtained. Phytochemical constituents identified in the extracts include Tannins, Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Steroids, Cardiac glycosides and Saponins. In maximum tolerated dose and acute toxicity study, eighteen West African Dwarf goats (aged 5-6 months old) were used. Three dose regimes of 1000 mgkg-1, 2000 mgkg-1and 3000 mgkg-1body weight for each type of extract was orally administered to three goats per dose with each dose being replicated thrice. Animals were observed for 48 hours for apparent signs of toxicity. Four weeks later they were re-examined for signs of delayed cytotoxic effects. At the same time, the goats were evaluated for egg per gram reduction. The results shows at the dose of 1000 mgkg-1, there was no mortality and no evidence of toxicity in both gross and histopathological lesions. At the dose of 2000 mgkg-1to 3000 mgkg-1, various histopathological changes were observed, and at 3000 mgkg-1 stem bark, showed highest reduction (94.2 %) in egg per gram. In this study, 1000 mgkg-1 and 3000 mgkg-1are considered as MTD and TD respectively.
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