length-weight relationship, Oreochromis niloticus, Wasai reservoir, condition factor, growth patternAbstract
A study of the size composition, growth pattern and condition factor of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Wasai reservoir in Minjibir Local Government Area of Kano State was conducted using length-weight data obtained from local fishermen in the study area. Standard length ranged from 11.30 cm to 18.20 cm, total length ranged from 13.40 to 19.90 cm whereas body weight from 35.90 g to 116.50 g. The length-weight relationship revealed only positive allometric growth in Kundima and negative allometric growth pattern in Dinga and Ungulaye. The condition factor (K) also revealed all K values obtained are ≥ 1 in all the sampling sites indicating that the environment is good in terms of food availability. The results of this study will be useful for the management and conservation of O. niloticus fisheries from Wasai Reservoir.
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