biodiversity, biological-assets, conservation, extinction, food securityAbstract
One of the countries sanctified with wide arrays biodiversity and natural-assets is Nigeria, which includes shrubbery, animals and microorganisms on which livelihood and food security of her citizens greatly depends. However, the rate at which these biodiversity and biological-assets are being reduced as a result of increased human actions is both national and global challenge that requires concerted effort and holistic approach. The valuables are gradually going into extinction. Thus, this paper reviews the evidence of loss of biodiversity in Nigeria from literatures, major causes of biodiversity loss in Nigeria which include increased human population, poverty, poor economic development, indefinite lawmaking and policies lying on biodiversity conservation, type of weather alteration, toxic waste, foray of creature from outer space species and other anthropogenic activities. The implications of biodiversity on foodstuff availability, ease of access, utilization and steadiness are the most important four domains of groceries safekeeping that are critically examined. Some of the unwholesome practices that endangered biodiversity are itemized and possible suggestions and recommendations are proffered. There is urgent need to sensitize and educate Nigerians on the implication of biodiversity loss on food security.
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