Perception, improved legume variety, ordered probit, sample selectionAbstract
Limited understanding of farmers’ perception and consideration during the development of improved seed varieties have usually resulted to their low rate of adoption. In light of this, the present study fitted an ordered probit sample-selection model using a sample of 400 legume farming households (LFHs) - 212 adopters and 188 non-adopters - in Northern Nigeria. The results showed that male-headed households (97%) dominated the sampled data with the majority being soybean farmers (81%) and whose standard of living was low. Household heads were adults (43 years old) and married (94%) in most cases with about a junior level of education (9 years). Key determinants of adoption of improved legume varieties (ILV) included education, household size, level of living, and soil conservation practices. Farmers’ perception was confirmed to be endogenously determined within the adoption system as being a function of socioeconomic characteristics, farm enterprises and agricultural practices. We recommend that farmers’ educational level be improved by increasing their knowledge of relevant agricultural practices such as minimum tillage and alley cropping that will aid the adoption of the ILV through positive perception among farmers. Policies that will enable both male- and female-headed households to have more access to land should be engaged in order to boost the adoption of ILV. Interventions that will aid rural areas in northern Nigeria to have improved standard of living such as better access to light, water, and healthcare facilities should be pursued since this will facilitate the sustainability of ILV adoption.
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