The study evaluated the influence of feed on the reproductive parameters of West African Dwarf and Sahel goats at theTeaching and Research farm of the Federal Polytechnic Bali, Taraba State. A total of 8 bucks from two goats breeds (West African Dwarf and Sahel) were used for the experiment. The 8 bucks were later moved to Vom, for semen collection, using electro-ejaculator. The study lasted for 12 calendar months. They were fed Gmelina and cassava peel meal, Gmelina and cowpea husk, Ficus and cassava peel meal and, Ficus and cowpea husk as experimental treatments (T1-T4), respectively. Goats according to breed were allotted to treatments randomly and treated as factorial experiments. Season had significant (P<0.01) influence on buck parameters (scrotal length and semen qualities). The overall samples collected was 192 on both the breeds on the following parameters; scrotal circumference, semen volume, semen pH, sperm concentration, sperm motility and live cells and the results were 11.91cm, 0.47ml, 6.78ph, 414.92x106, 83.02% and 92.33% respectively. The result was significant for breed, season and treatment for all parameters except live and dead cells for breeds and treatment. Feeding Ficus containing diets resulted in higher semen quality values. Also, semen colour using likert scale was analyzed which resulted to three types of colour (creamy, milky and watery). The colour was evaluated under based on breed, seasons and treatment diets (feeds). The overall results show insignificant differences for all the parameters (feeds, seasons, breeds and reproductive traits) observed.
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