Internal organ, broiler, mixed saw dust, wheat offalAbstract
Effect of dietary substitution of sawdust for wheat offal on internal organs weight and carcass yield of broiler starter was conducted using 99 broilers. Broiler chicks were allocated to three dietary treatments and replicate thrice with eleven (11) broilers per replicate. Three dietary treatments were formulated with sawdust substituting for wheat offal at 0, 40 and 80%. Experiment lasted for three weeks in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Data obtained was analyzed using ANOVA. There were significant (p<0.05) differences in all internal organs weight and carcass yield across dietary treatments. Broiler fed on 80% had highest liver weight (3.59%) while least (2.44%) was recorded from 0%. Heart showed lowest p<0.05 (0.37%) from 80% while highest (0.55%) was obtained from 40%. Lowest (p<0.05) kidney (0.38%) was recorded from 0% while highest (0.48%) was observed from 80%. Lung gave least weight (0.42%) in the broiler fed 0% while highest weight (0.66%) was observed from 80%. Higher (1364.50g) live weight was obtained from 80% while least (1066.50g) was obtained from 0%). Dressed weight followed the same trend with highest (1282.00g) noticed from 80% while least (978.50g) was noticed from 0%. 80% gave highest wings (8.94%), back (15.02%), drumstick (10.88%) and breast (17.88%) respectively while wings had least p<0.05 of 8.01% from 40% back had 13.30% from 0%, drumstick (10.06%), breast (17.18%) from 40% respectively. It could be concluded that sawdust can be successfully replaced wheat offal in the broiler starter up to 80% without adverse effect on internal organs weight and carcass yield
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