Herbaceous weeds, Undisturbed locationsAbstract
A study was carried out to determine occurrence and distribution of herbaceous weed species of selected undisturbed locations of University of Abuja Main Campus. 8 locations were selected and 12 coordinate points were assessed within each of the locations using a Geograhical Positioning System (GPS).Weed species were sampled with the use of quadrat (1 m2), randomly thrown at different points of infestation of herbaceous weeds. A total of 1735 herbaceous weeds belonging to 39 species and 14 families were identified. Hyptis suaveolens (mint weed) was observed to be the most occurring specie (398), followed by Calopogonium mucunoides (248), Sida acuta (110), Paspalum vaginatum (88) and Tridax procumbens (81). The highest density of Hyptis suaveolens was observed at the School Gate (7.3), followed by Senate Building (5.8), The highest relative densities were observed at School Gate (32.4) and Faculty of Agriculture (24.1). Also,the highest frequency of occurrence of identified species were observed at the School Gate (100 %) and senate building (85 %), respectively. Weed abundance was observed to be highest at the School Gate (733.3), followed by Senate Building (690). The lowest abundance was at Faculties of Law and Veterinary Medicine (211.1). It is, therefore, recommended that control is required to mitigate their harmful effects. Also, the need for appropriate design and implementation of weed management strategies which may decrease the density or noxiousness of herbaceous weeds.
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