Strain, semi-arid, honey, performance, chickAbstract
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of two strains of layer chick reared in the semi-arid region and feeding of honey in place of an additive. In the first experiment 90 day old chicks of each of two egg layer strains, made up of one brown (Lohman Brown classic), one black (Nera Black) were used in completely randomized with each strain serving as a treatment. Each treatment was replicated thrice with 30 chicks per replicate. In the second experiment, 84 seven weeks old chicks from each of the strains were used in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design with the two strains (Lohmann brown classic and Nera black) and administration of honey (with and without) as the factors. These made up four treatments which were replicated thrice with 14 chicks per replicate. In both experiments, feed intake and body weight were measured and weight gain and feed conversion ratio were determined. Mortality was also recorded. The results of the study showed that performance parameters of two strains measured were statistically similar except for mortality. Nera black strain had a higher mortality. Feeding honey did not affect (P>0.05) performance indicators measured except for mortality also. Mortality was higher (P<0.05) for chicks that were not fed with honey. According to these results, Nera black strain may require more care during chick phase and honey has beneficial effect on chick performance.
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