Farmers,, Small-scale,, Resource,, Output,, UguAbstract
This study examined efficiency use of resources and profitability of fluted pumpkin production among small-scale farmers in Southeast, Nigeria using 400 farmers selected through multistage and purposive sampling techniques. Data collection was done with structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that 80% of fluted pumpkin farmers were females while 20% of them were males and aged 38years that operated on the average of 0.7ha which earned them average annual income of N 98,000.00 from fluted pumpkin sales. Results also revealed that the farmers had formal education with 12years average farming experiences and average household size of 7 persons. R2 was 0.794 meaning that 79% of the variations in output of fluted pumpkin in the study area were accounted for, by the independent variables included in the model. The F-value of 19.774 was significant at 1%. Results further showed that farm size (0.517), cost of manure (0.331), farming experience (0.327), and capital input (0.221) were significant and positively related to output of “ugu”. However, age (-0.022) and household size (-0.039) were inversely related to output of “ugu” in the area. The most technical efficient factor inputs were farm size (88.539) and labour (3.166), while fluted pumpkin seed (0.273) and capital input (0.377) were technically inefficient considering their values. The inputs of farm size (3.924) and capital input (24.900) were underutilized, while labour (0.169), cost of fluted pumpkin seed (0.004), cost of manure (0.002) and agro-chemicals (-0.001) were over-utilized. The result of profitability analysis showed that the cost-return-ratio was 1:1.44, meaning that every N1 invested would generate a profit of N0.44k. It would be concluded that small-scale “ugu” producers in Southeast, were not utilizing productive resources efficiently, though cultivation of “ugu” in the area is s viable venture. There is the need for regular training of the farmers in resource utilization and management for optimum productivity.
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