
  • O. F. NWACHI


The traits that could be used to explain morphometric and meristic characteristics of F2 Hybrid, BC1F2, UPM red Tilapia and Gift Tilapia were examined using Principal Component Analysis in Unscramble@ X statistical tool. A total of 25 morphometric and 5 meristic observations were taking using the buss truss protocol.  The score value, correlation loading and the bi-plot was used in explaining the discriminate value. The Score plot shows that the morphometric traits could be represented by the first 2 principal components (PC1 and PC2), with 85% of the original variance in the data set (PC1: 58% and PC2: 27%). Meristic observation used for the scores were the dorsal fin (DF), anal fin (AF), pelvic fin (PF) caudal fin and pectoral fin (Pe).They were represented in the first 2 principal components (PC1 and PC2) with original value of 82% (PC1: 44% and PC2: 38%). Recorded scores for the morphometric traits were used to explain the differences that exist `by the pure strain of UPM red tilapia, Gift tilapia and their hybrids. Although in the study the meristic traits could not be used for proper identification but could identify at the field level


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